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《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):256-267
Much research on volunteers has focused on who the volunteers are, and what motivates them on an individual level. This study, however, aims to contextualize the long-term commitment found in a whole community of volunteers and to explain this pattern of collective volunteering not in terms of individual motivations but in terms of broader social processes. Data gathered from interviews with volunteers in Vikersund, Norway, and the analysis of local and national press coverage in the years leading up to the 2013 World Cup in Ski flying in Vikersund suggest that long-term volunteering can be understood in terms of (i) a high level of social integration (socialization, institutionalization); (ii) the creation of a collective identity focused around the ski flying hill; and (iii) the maintenance and reinforcement of strong community identity and social solidarity by local resistance to the perceived hostility of outside organizations. This focus on the broader community/social processes has implications for researchers examining sport event volunteers as well as managers of recurring sport events wishing to retain volunteers.  相似文献   
摘要:鉴于当前世界竞技体育项目的高速发展,为了更好的适应新形势变化,针对表现难美性项群中自由体操、单跳、蹦床、跳水和空中技巧五个项目中,身体动作的主因子“空中身体翻转动作”进行分析研究,目的是通过该研究,能够对项目间的相互借鉴、以及项目技术的相互支撑起到一定的帮助作用,并对项目的发展具有一定的实际意义。文章通过文献资料法、访谈法、录像分析法等科学研究方法进行系统分析,得到以下结论:1)空中身体翻转动作是运动员身体在空中围绕运动轴完成单向或多向翻腾和转动的技术动作,是五个表现难美性项目的核心技术。2)依时间的递进进行观察和描述,一个完整的身体翻转动作包含起动加速、起跳、空中翻转、落停4个相互连接的技术环节。3)自由体操和单跳的空中身体翻转动作常以多式样的空中身体翻腾转体难度动作直接连接另一个空中身体翻转难度动作。4)空中身体翻转技术动作的递进式发展历程可分为五个发展阶段:单一翻腾阶段;单一的翻腾或旋转阶段;复合翻转阶段;多翻多转及“叠加”翻转阶段和自由体操与单跳进入突出平面挂串连接阶段。5)发展表现难美性项群空中身体翻转动作的对策设计为:及时研究、积极适应国际评分规则的变化,科学把握空中身体翻转动作的有序性发展规律, 主动发掘空中身体翻转技术动作的创新途径。  相似文献   
武陵山生态旅游圈旅游资源十分丰富,具备可开发体育品牌赛事的潜力。本文根据实地调查,提出武陵山生态旅游圈可创立民族传统体育赛事、攀岩、徒步穿越神农架、蹦极、龙舟等体育品牌赛事,并就赛事如何宣传提出对策。最后,从加强配套设施建设;解决交通瓶颈制约;合理开发利用资源;提高武陵山生态旅游体育品牌赛事运作能力、规范化管理;努力丰富武陵山生态旅游体育品牌赛事的民族文化内涵等五个方面对武陵山生态旅游圈体育品牌赛事配套设施建设提出建议。  相似文献   
为了充分应用概率论中事件独立性概念及相关性质,简化实际解题过程,文章采用随机变量的有关独立性性质,构造指示变量研究了事件的独立性,得到事件独立性的几个命题,并给予了数学证明,完善了教材中的独立性理论,方便了实际问题的解决。最后通过举例阐述了概率计算中事件独立性的重要性。  相似文献   
近年来,我国马拉松项目在快速的发展,各城市都在积极举办马拉松项目,促进体育消费的增长,推动全民健身的热潮,有利于城市经济转型发展。但是,马拉松项目的发展存在一些问题,如群众基础差、专业化程度低、宣传力度不够等。本文基于全面健身背景下,探讨分析马拉松项目的发展现状。  相似文献   
李俊  梁恒 《当代体育科技》2020,(11):216-217
对以体育竞赛为核心内容的体育赛事立法是国际通行做法,目的就是要在有关体育赛事法律的保障下使得体育竞赛的各事项正常有序进行。体育赛事立法效力就是指拥有立法权的部门或依法受权立法部门针对体育赛事运行阶段所制定、修改、补充和废止一些规范性文件,在具体实施过程中所产生的效果和作用力。体育赛事运行涉及的人多、事杂、域广,其聚集性、综合性和体验性等特点决定了体育赛事立法效力具有时空相对聚集、立法层级较低、对象范围有限、公共权利保障性与包容性兼备等特殊性;影响其立法效力的因素主要有从体育赛事运行的秩序化客观需求出发的现实性、立法活动的合法性、立法程序的有效性、法律位阶的层级性及立法内容的专业性。  相似文献   
体育赛事的举办是城市发展的需求,一个城市大型体育赛事的成功举办,不仅能积极提高城市的知名度和影响力,还能展现出主办城市的文化建设发展风貌,增强城市对外的吸引力。本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,以2019国际篮联三对三世界巡回大师赛(成都站)为研究对象,探索大型赛事对提升赛事传播力和形象上的提升,进而研究助力成都市城市形象优化路径的方法。建议:搭建多元化的传播策略,扩大宣传辐射面;激发全民参与运动的热情,增加全民健身设施;聚焦赛事文化创意产业,带动经济多样化发展。  相似文献   
采用文献查阅、专家访谈、实地调查等方法,对杭州马拉松赛事提升进行了研究。基于价值链理论,分析了该项赛事在策划、营销、开发、筹备、生产、服务等各环节的现状,认为其存在风险管理机制急需补全、媒体宣传运营有待加强、商业运作稍显薄弱、赛道设计亟待优化、赛事服务尚可完善等问题,并就赛事品质提升给出相关建议。  相似文献   

Although sports heritage is increasingly recognized as a potential catalyst of tourism, heritage sporting events (HSEs) are still an emerging concept in the academic literature. Notions that associate sports events and heritage remain rare, and are usually analysed through the scope of nostalgia sport tourism. This can be partly explained by an inclination to associate the notion of heritage with conventional ideas about folklore and traditional culture. Through a constructivist approach of heritage, this contribution argues that contemporary sports events, which would generally have competition as their primary focus, might also be perceived as HSEs. A comprehensive framework, built on a multi-disciplinary literature review, is presented to show the process that transforms an initial resource (a sports event) into an accomplished resource (a HSE), which might represent a competitive advantage for the territory. A qualitative–comparative analysis is conducted among 24 sports events in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, to observe the configurations of HSEs and understand which characteristics are necessary for the perceptions of a sports event as a heritage good. Interestingly, this contribution shows that if the event needs to be sustainable in the territory to be perceived as a HSE, it is not sufficient. Indeed, a differentiation strategy should be set up to distinguish the event from other more or less similar events, to be perceived as an authentic feature of the territory by the local population.  相似文献   
Substituting basketball players during competition is a key process to optimise collective performance. Available research on this topic is scarce, probably due to the difficulty in isolating these effects; thus, the aim of this study was to identify the temporal effects of substitutions in basketball (Spanish professional basketball league). The sample was composed of 1118 substitutions gathered from 21 basketball games. The analysed variables were coach-controlled (player and team’s personal fouls, player in and player out roles, player’s in and out minutes on-court and timeout situation); on-court (foul committed, free throws, 2- and 3-point field-goal effectiveness) and situational variables (scoreline, quality of opposition, game location and game quarter). The results showed positive scoring performances after the substitution for all the analyses. During the first quarter, there were significant effects for fouls committed, scoreline and game location after the substitution. The player’s out personal fouls, free-throw effectiveness, player in, minutes on-court player in, timeout situation and 3-point field-goal effectiveness were significant during the second quarter. The team’s personal fouls, game location, and scoreline were identified as important in the third quarter. The fourth quarter did not show significant effects on the independent variables. Current findings allow optimising coaches’ plans and team management of on-court and bench players throughout the game.  相似文献   
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